
How To Care for Dental Bridges

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Dental bridges are missing teeth restoration commonly used in modern dentistry. The restoration consists of artificial teeth that literally bridge the gap and are typically supported by surrounding natural teeth or by dental implants. In this article, we discuss how to care for dental bridges so they serve you for a long time.    How … Read more

Top Foods That Stain Veneers

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High-quality veneers are an excellent way to significantly enhance your smile in multiple ways, making your teeth appear whiter and straighter. Veneers can also be used to change the size and shape of your teeth. To preserve the look of your new veneers for as long as possible, we recommend following the easy tips listed … Read more

How Should Dentures Feel In Your Mouth

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A winning smile is one of the greatest assets you can have. And your teeth have a lot to do with it. That is why a missing tooth is a big problem for adults. It does not only present them with difficulties in chewing and enjoying their food, it also changes the way they speak … Read more

My Dental Implant Fell Out: Now What

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Dental implants do not often get loose or fall out, especially if no dental trauma or illness occurs. However, if an implant falls out, it is considered a dental emergency that requires immediate treatment. In this article, we will discuss why a dental implant can get loose and answer the question, “My dental implant fell … Read more

When Does Bleeding Stop After Tooth Extraction

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Tooth extraction is a surgical procedure of completely removing the tooth from its socket. It may be necessary for several different reasons. If a patient has experienced pain in a damaged or decayed tooth for a long time, taking the tooth out can provide a great relief. Typically, tooth extraction is considered to be a … Read more

Root Canal Recovery Guide: Dos and Don’ts

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Almost any invasive medical procedure requires some time for recovery. On top of that, you might need to apply some special care for the fastest and most effective recovery after the procedure. Root canal treatment is not an exception. Here is a root canal recovery guide with the most important dos and don’ts. What Is … Read more

Why Do Dental Fillings Fall Out?

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Dental fillings are generally considered to be quite sturdy, but they do fall out from time to time. This can happen for several different reasons. Staying aware of the ways in which this can occur can help you stay on top of attempting to repair this type of damage when it occurs. Below we look … Read more

How Long Should You Expect Dental Bonding to Last?

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Dental bonding is a process where a dentist can cost-effectively and quickly repair some types of damage and improve the appearance of one’s teeth. Dental bonding can’t fix every type of dental issue, especially those of a more severe nature. Below, we look at how long should you expect dental bonding to last. However, it … Read more

Can a Dental Bridge Be Replaced?

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Dental bridges are incredibly durable, which means that many patients will never have to replace theirs. However, sometimes, these oral health contraptions degrade to the point that they need to be replaced. But, can a dental bridge be replaced? Fortunately, this is quite possible to do. This means that even those who have suffered extensive … Read more